Crimes punishable by death
More than 130. Among them Murder, terrorism, rape, robbery, kidnapping, burglary, recidivist theft, drug trafficking, possession or addiction, economic crimes, adultery, apostasy, consensual sexual relations between adults of same sex, treason, espionage, military offences, political crimes, recidivist consumption of alcoholic beverages, blasphemy, publishing pornography or using pornographic materials to solicit sex.
Offenders excluded
Minors (according to the Islamic law), pregnant women and mentally ill.
Methods of execution
Hanging, shooting and stoning. Also falling from a height (until 2008) and beheading (until 2001).
Prison Conditions
Overcrowded and unhealthy. With no air conditioning or heating. Prisoners are denied food and medical care. Political prisoners are held with violent felons, and juveniles are detained with adult offenders. Extreme physical abuse including rape and torture.
Executions since 2002
6000 or higher.
People under sentence of death
Average time awaiting execution